In order to run one of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga has done a community service titled “Peer Counselor Training for Teenagers to Prevent Drugs Abuse”. That activity was taken place in SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jember on last July 25th. That training was chaired by Herdina Indrijati, M.Psi., Psikolog. Besides of being a chief, that lecturer of The Department of Educational and Developmental Psychology in Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga was also giving training material about basic skills a counselor needs to have.
Besides Herdina, there were two other experts,
- Nella Rosyalina Damayanti who was giving material about “Drugs Reviewed in the Medical Point of View”
- Aiptu Bambang Prayitno who was giving material about “Coaching and Counseling about Danger of Drugs Abuse Reviewed in the Law Point of View”
Given the threat of the growth of drugs users nowadays, Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga initiated a training program that could help to repress the number of drugs users through the contributions of teenagers. Hopefully the participants of the training could be able to work together with related parties to provide peer consultation service.
“Coordination process between the team and all partners was ran synergistically. With the presence of this program, we hope that all participants could get new competencies and could apply those to help related parties to solve drugs related problems” said Herdina Indrijati, M.Psi., Psikolog in an opportunity.
Not just the chief of this training program, the participants also feel the positive impacts for themselves with this training program.
“We are very happy with this activity. This is very positive and we are really need this. We hope there will be other activities like this held in our place next time” said one of the participants.
With the success of this training program, hopefully all of the participants will be able to be agents of change that could fight the threats of globalization, especially in drugs abuse.
~Rhajiv Nur Ilham (111711133101)