Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Airlangga

Universitas Airlangga BestBuddy Program 2015 – 2016

poster selection process 2015Universitas Airlangga BestBuddy Program 2015 – 2016
Now Recruiting!
Online Application Deadline: June 5th 2015 at 13.00 WIB

BestBuddy Program is Universitas Airlangga’s way to enrich international students’ campus life during their stay at Universitas Airlangga, whether it is for short term program or long term program.

The voluntary program aims to help international students adapt to new environment seamlessly with the help of Universitas Airlangga students who participate in this program. In addition, the program also gives Universitas Airlangga students the chance to have lifelong friendship with international students.

If you are interested to be one of BestBuddies, please visit the following link: https://s.unair.ac.id/bestbuddy