The Crisis and Community Development Center (PKPK) of the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga, aims to develop models for solving social issues within communities using applied social psychology concepts. Consequently, PKPK is oriented towards being part of the solution to societal problems in Indonesia. Furthermore, PKPK endeavors to be at the forefront of applying social psychology to create prosperous and socially just communities.
Over the past few years, PKPK has carried out various activities to create a prosperous and socially just society. Such as conducting applied psychology research by examining the effect of the free groceries program on the mental health and quality of life of program recipients. Then examining the design of social interventions in the context of disasters by increasing the psychosocial support capacity of the community in Disaster Resilient Villages throughout East Java. Next, examine the preparation of models for solving social problems by holding teacher capacity building, and finally examine training and community empowerment by holding Appreciative Inquiry training for prisoners in prisons and detention centers.
PKPK often works with several agencies operating in the same field to achieve its goals. Such as East Java Disaster Risk Reduction Forum (FPRB), East Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), East Java Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI), and many more.
Vision of PKPK
To develop models for solving social problems as applications of applied aspects of social psychology to create prosperous and socially just communities.
Mission of PKPK
The Crisis and Community Development Center (PKPK) strives to be:
- A center for applied psychological studies within the context of Indonesian society.
- A center for developing applied research, community assessment, and social analysis.
- A center for the formulation of problem-solving models for social issues based on social psychological studies.
- A center for information on applied studies in social psychology, models for solving social problems, and community empowerment based on social psychological studies.
Contact Us
- Phone: 0819-3108-5272
- Instagram: @pkpk.unair
- Email: pkpk@psikologi.unair.ac.id / banibacan@psikologi.unair.ac.id