The followings are applied psychology unit owned by Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga as facilities for community care and service, including student apprenticeship.
- LP3T (Laboratory of Study and Development of Applied Psychology)
- Psychological assessment for selection/evaluation/fit & proper test.
- PTPP (Centre of Applied Educational Psychology)
- Assessment/talent-interest mapping & counseling for students, consultation/psychoeducation/assistance for teachers.
- UPP (Psychological Services Unit)
- Psychological assessment, Psychotest, counseling, & individual/family psychotherapy.
- PKPK (Crisis Centre and Community Development)
- Applied psychology studies and research conduct studies, design of social intervention, community training/empowerment.
- PAUD Anak Ceria (Anak Ceria Early Education Center)
- Playgroup, Kindergarten, Daycare.