Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Airlangga

Vision-Mission and History


Become one of the independent, innovative and prominent Faculty of Psychology at national and international level, the pioneer of psychological science and technology development based on religious morality.


  1. Conducting academic and professional psychology education based on modern learning methods.
  2. Conducting basic and applied research in innovative psychology to support the development of education and community service.
  3. Devoting psychological expertise to the community.
  4. Striving for independence in the implementation of the Three Missions (Tri Dharma) of Higher Education through the development of modern management institutions which orient towards quality and competitiveness.
The Scoping Study Period

The history of psychology education at Universitas Airlangga began with the Scoping Study of Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga that was conducted based on the Rector's Decree 076 / PT.03.B / 08/1981 on 25 September 1981 by the Rector of Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Marsetio Donosepoetro. The scoping study was conducted by the following considerations: first, as an effort of education development at Universitas Airlangga, second, the increasing need of the community for psychology services both the community and the industry, and third, the absence of psychological education in Eastern Indonesia, particularly in Surabaya and also as outlined in the Development Master Plan (RIP) of Universitas Airlangga in 1980-1990. The scoping study committee are Dr. Lukas Widyanto (Person in charge), Sutandyo Wignjosoebroto, MPA (Chief), Soedaryono, Drs., Psi (Secretary), Prihastuti, Dra., Psi (Member) and Lies Setiawati, Dra., Psi (Member).

Preparation of the Establishment of Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga

Based on the result of scoping study, the Rector then issued Decree number 8794 / PT.03.1 / E / 1982 on October 9, 1982 on the formation of Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of Faculty of Psychology. The preparation committee consists of: Lukas Widyanto (Coordinator, at that time served as Vice-Rector I of Universitas Airlangga), dr. W.F. Maramis (Chief), Sutandyo Wignjosoebroto, MPA (Vice Chief, at that time served as Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga), Sudaryono, Drs., Psi (Secretary I), Lies Setiowati, Drs., Psi (Secretary II), Hawaim Machrus, Drs., Psi (Member), E. M. Agus Subekti, Drs., Psi (Member), Ambassador Nurdibyanandaru, Drs., Psi (Member).

Establishment of Psychology Study Program

The establishment of study program at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga was decided by the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 / DJ / Kep / 1983 on 12 February 1983 in Jakarta signed by the Director General of Higher Education D.A Tisna Amidjaja.

The contents of the Directorate General's Decree are: (1) To establish a Psychology Study Program at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga; (2) The Psychology Study Program is a Psychology Study Program at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, since there is no relevant department in Faculty of Social and Political Science that can accommodate it; (3) The implementation of the Study Program above is led by a Head who is directly responsible to the Dean of  Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga; (4) The cost of conducting and managing Psychology Study Program is charged to the budget of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga; (5) Other matters which have not been regulated in this decision will be stipulated in a separate decision; (6) If there is any mistake in this decision, appropriate amendment will be held; (7) This decree shall come into force on 1 July 1983.

As soon as the letter from the Director General of Higher Education came from Jakarta, the Rector of Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Dr. Marsetio Donosepoetro issued the Rector Decree Number 1848 / PT.03.1 / C / 1983 on April 4, 1983, which appointed the Head of Psychology Study Program at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga. The decision raised dr. W.F. Maramis as an official Head of Psychology Study Program at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Airlangga. With the establishment of Psychology Study Program, the operational of teaching and learning process is carried out in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga. Not only the building that join in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, but the courses are also influenced by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, especially Sociology and Anthropology. The "social" color in the early era of the study program is very clear. In addition to the Building of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, lectures are also held in Separate Building of FMIPA which was located in front of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.

Establishment of Department

The establishment of Psychology Department at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences was determined based on the Rector Decree no.  183 / PT.03.H / C / 1991 on January 8, 1991. The decree was based on the Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Airlangga letter No. 537 / PT.03.H4 / FISIP / C / III / 1990 dated on 14 March 1990, which proposed the establishment of Department of Psychology at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Airlangga.

Preparation of Faculty Establishment

The effort to establish the Faculty of Psychology from the previous status as Psychology Department requires preparation to be fulfilled. For that, Rector of Universitas Airlangga in this case Vice-Rector I wrote to the Chairman of Psychological Consortium with the letter number 7477 / PT03.H1 / E / 1991 dated on 19 September 1991 to get approval and suggestions regarding the establishment plan for Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga. After the visit, Rector of Universitas Airlangga in this case Vice-Rector II, dr. Soedoko Sidohoetomo with letter Number 7768 / PT03.H2 / I / 1991 invites Prof. Dr. H. Masrun, MA as Chairman of Psychological Consortium to review Department of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga as part of the effort to prepare the establishment of Faculty of Psychology. The visit was held on Wednesday, October 2, 1991 at Department of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga.

Establishment of Faculty of Psychology

The establishment of Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga was done after the decree of the Minister of Education and Culture RI Number: 0372/0/1993 dated October 21, 1993 signed by Prof. Dr. Ing Wardiman Djojonegoro. This Decree comes with the establishment of Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga.
First Dean (1994-1997)
Name Prof. Dr. dr. Hanafi Muljohardjono, Sp.Kj.K
Place, date of birth Blitar, 1 September 1941
Rank (Level) Middle Administrator (IV/d)
Functional Position Professor
Expertise Psychiatric Medicine
Work Unit Faculty of Medicine UNAIR
Second Dean (1997—2000)
Name Prof. dr. Marlina Setiawati Mahajudin, Sp.Kj
Place, date of birth Padang Sidempuan, 4 December 1947
Rank (Level) Middle Administrator (IV/d)
Functional Position Professor
Expertise Kedokteran Jiwa
Work Unit Faculty of Medicine UNAIR
Third Dean (2000—2007)
Name Prof. Dr. H. Muhamad Zainudin, Apt
Place, date of birth Madiun, 18 September 1945
Rank (Level) Middle Administrator (IV/d)
Functional Position Professor
Expertise Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Work Unit Faculty of Pharmacy UNAIR
Fourth Dean (2007—2015)
Name Dr. Seger Handoyo, Psikolog
Place, date of birth Bojonegoro, 16 February 1967
Rank (Level) Administrator (Gol IV/a)
Functional Position Associate Professor
Expertise Industrial & Organizational Psychology
Work Unit Faculty of Psychology UNAIR
Fifth Dean (2015—2020)
Name Dr. Nurul Hartini, M.Kes., Psikolog
Place, date of birth Surabaya, 21 April 1971
Rank (Level) Administrator (IV/b)
Functional Position Associate Professor
Expertise Clinical Psychology & Mental Health 
Work Unit Faculty of Psychology UNAIR
Sixth Dean (2020—2025)
Name Prof. Dr. Suryanto, M.Si., Psikolog
Place, date of birth Ngawi, 22 Januari 1965
Rank (Level) Main Administrator (IV/e)
Functional Position Professor
Expertise Social Psychology
Work Unit Faculty of Psychology UNAIR