The Psychology Doctoral Program was formed on the basis of the enormous need for doctoral education in psychology in Indonesia. A series of oriented formal education has succeeded in making this program the leading A-accredited program in Indonesia. Consistently, this program has produced competent graduates and various quality scientific works produced by lecturers and students. Accompanied by an experienced teaching and mentoring team, students will be encouraged to demonstrate high critical thinking skills and have analytical and synthesis abilities, so as to produce new knowledge or adapted results as an accurate application and interpretation of existing knowledge.
Education at the Doctoral Program in Psychology Universitas Airlangga has a distinction of what we call the "flowing and cultivating system". In this system, our education focuses on two things:
- development of concepts and knowledge, as well as research capabilities,
- completion of the dissertation on time.
With this system, students are expected to have good concept and knowledge in the field of their chosen specialty, to have extraordinary skills in conducting research, and to complete the dissertation within three years.
Join us to keep imagining, learning and working for life.
To become an independent, innovative, and leading center for psychology doctoral education regionally and internationally, a pioneer in the development of science, technology and humanities based on religious morality.
The vision drives the strategies for improving the education quality in order to win competition with other Doctoral Program in Psychology existing in Indonesia.
- Producing doctors in psychology who are knowledgeable, very competent academically, creative, dynamic, professional and highly competitive.
- Conducting fundamental, applied and innovative policy research in order to support the development of education and community outreach program.
- Devoting its expertise in science, technology and humanities to the public.
- Striving for independence in implementing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Principles of Higher Education) through the development of institutional management oriented to quality and ability to compete internationally.
Based on the missions, the Doctoral Program in Psychology Universitas Airlangga will run quality education to produce competitive graduates capable of performing social roles based on their professional competencies. This can be achieved by creating a conducive learning environment that encourages continuous inquiry and learning for both lecturers and students.
The Doctoral Program in Psychology Universitas Airlangga aims to produce graduates who develop:
- New science and technology concepts in their field of expertise.
- Fundamental and applied research Programs
- Interdisciplinary approaches.
Based on these objectives, it can be expected that graduates of the program will be able to conduct, organise and lead research. Research activities are conducted using an interdisciplinary scientific approaches by applying their expertise professionally based on scientific ethics. Thus, the graduates of the program will be able to develop a new concept in their field of science or profession, that is, a new concept which benefits mankind.
Decree of National Education Minister No. 232/U/2000 and Regulation of Rector of Universitas Airlangga No. 21 Year 2014 on Guidelines on Doctoral Education Programs at Universitas Airlangga stipulate that the study load of doctoral Programs is at least 40 credits for participants who hold a master's degree of the same field, or at least 52 credits for participants who hold a master's degree of a different field.
Following this rule, the study load in the 2010 Curriculum is as follows:
- Minimum 43 credits for participants who hold both Bachelor of Psychology and Master of Science in Psychology or Master of Applied Psychology or Master of Professional Psychology.
- Minimum 52 credits for participants who hold both Bachelor of Psychology and a master of non-psychology discipline.
Meanwhile, the study load based on the revised 2016 Curriculum are as follows:
- Minimum 50 credits for participants who hold both Bachelor of Psychology and Master of Science in Psychology or Master of Applied Psychology or Master of Professional Psychology.
- Minimum 52 credits for participants who hold both Bachelor of Psychology and a master of non-psychology discipline.
Below is the curriculum structure of the Doctoral Program in Psychology:
NO |
1. |
MPP701 |
Logika dan Metode Sains |
2 |
Wajib |
2. |
MAS701 |
Statistik Lanjut |
2 |
Wajib |
3. |
PSG701 |
Filsafat Ilmu Psikologi dan Penelitian Psikologi |
4 |
Wajib |
4. |
PSG708 |
Sejarah dan Aliran Psikologi |
3 |
Wajib untuk kelompok tidak sebidang |
Terdiri dari matakuliah penunjang desertasi, dimana mahasiswa wajib memilih 3 (tiga) matakuliah atau setara 6 (enam) sks sesuai dengan peminatannya.
NO |
5. |
PSC721 |
Psikologi Klinis Anak dan Remaja |
2 |
Konsentrasi Psikologi Klinis |
6. |
PSC722 |
Psikologi Klinis Komunitas |
2 |
7. |
PSC723 |
Stres dan Kecemasan |
2 |
8. |
PSC724 |
Psikologi Keluarga dan Perkawinan |
2 |
9. |
PSC725 |
Psikologi Kesehatan |
2 |
10. |
PSI731 |
Psikologi Personnel |
2 |
Konsentrasi Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi |
11. |
PSI732 |
Perilaku Organisasi |
2 |
12. |
PSI733 |
Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen |
2 |
13. |
PSI734 |
Analisis Organisasi |
2 |
14. |
PSI735 |
Pengembangan Organisasi |
2 |
15. |
PSE741 |
Perkembangan dan Pendidikan Anak Ber-kebutuhan Khusus |
2 |
Konsentrasi Psikologi Pendidikan dan Perkembangan |
16. |
PSE742 |
Perkembangan dan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini |
2 |
17. |
PSE743 |
Kognisi dan Motivasi Dalam Proses Belajar |
2 |
18. |
PSE744 |
Evaluasi dan Pengukuran Pendidikan |
2 |
19. |
PSE745 |
Pembelajaran, Pengajaran, dan Pengembangan |
2 |
20. |
PSS751 |
Self dan Identitas |
2 |
Konsentrasi Psikologi Sosial |
21. |
PSS752 |
Kognisi Sosial dan Sikap |
2 |
22. |
PSS753 |
Motivasi dan Self-regulation |
2 |
23. |
PSS754 |
Kepribadian dan Perilaku Sosial |
2 |
24. |
PSS755 |
Proses Kelompok dan Hubungan Antar-kelompok |
2 |
Berikut adalah matakuliah wajib untuk kelompok tidak sebidang, dimana mahasiswa yang dari latar belakang ilmu yang tidak sebidang wajib menambahkan satu matakuliah atau setara 6 (enam) sks sesuai konsentrasi peminatannya:
NO |
25. |
PSS707 |
Psikologi Sosial |
6 |
Wajib untuk kelompok tidak sebidang |
26. |
PSI707 |
Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi |
6 |
Wajib untuk kelompok tidak sebidang |
27. |
PSP707 |
Psikologi Pendidikan dan Perkembangan |
6 |
Wajib untuk kelompok tidak sebidang |
28. |
PSK707 |
Psikologi Klinis |
6 |
Wajib untuk kelompok tidak sebidang |
NO |
29. |
PSG702 |
Seminar dan Penelitian Disertasi I |
6 |
Wajib |
NO |
30. |
PSG703 |
Pengukuran Psikologi dan Validasi Konstruk |
2 |
Wajib |
31. |
PSG704 |
Seminar dan Penelitian Disertasi II |
5 |
Wajib |
NO |
32. |
MPP712 |
Analisis Data Kuantitatif |
2 |
Wajib |
33. |
MPP713 |
Analisis Data Kualitatif |
2 |
Wajib |
34. |
PSG705 |
Seminar dan Penelitian Disertasi III |
5 |
Wajib |
NO |
35. |
PSG706 |
Seminar dan Penelitian Disertasi IV |
4 |
Wajib |
36. |
PSG707 |
Seminar dan Penelitian Disertasi V |
3 |
Wajib |
Alur Mata Kuliah Kurikulum 2010
NO. |
Semester I |
1. |
PHP801 |
Filsafat Ilmu |
2 |
2. |
PNP886 |
Logika dan Metode Sains |
2 |
3. |
PNP887 |
Telaah Literatur Doktoral |
2 |
Sub Jumlah Beban Studi Semester 1 |
6 |
Semester II |
4. |
PSG803 |
Pengukuran Psikologi dan Validasi Konstrak |
2 |
5. |
PNP888 |
Desain Penelitian Kualitatif |
2 |
6. |
PNP889 |
Kualifikasi Disertasi |
3 |
Sub Jumlah Beban Studi Semester 2 |
7 |
Semester III |
Peminatan Psikologi Klinis |
7. |
PSC802 |
Psikopatologi Kontemporer |
2 |
8. |
PSC803 |
Psikologi Klinis Komunitas |
2 |
9. |
PSC804 |
Psikologi Positif |
2 |
10. |
PSC805 |
Psikologi Keluarga dan Perkawinan |
2 |
11. |
PSC806 |
Psikologi Kesehatan dalam Rentang Kehidupan |
2 |
Peminatan Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi |
12. |
PSI809 |
Asesmen dalam Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi |
2 |
13. |
PSI810 |
Teori tentang Pekerjaan |
2 |
14. |
PSI811 |
Pengembangan Individu dalam Organisasi |
2 |
15. |
PSI812 |
Pengembangan Organisasi |
2 |
16. |
PSI813 |
Teori Kontemporer dalam Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi |
2 |
Peminatan Psikologi Pendidikan dan Perkembangan |
17. |
PSD804 |
Teori Psikologi Perkembangan Kontemporer |
2 |
18. |
PSE802 |
Psikologi Pendidikan Kontekstual |
2 |
19. |
PSE803 |
Evaluasi dan Pengukuran Pendidikan |
2 |
20. |
PSE804 |
Strategi Belajar dan Mengajar |
2 |
21. |
PSE805 |
Perkembangan dan Pendidikan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus |
2 |
Peminatan Psikologi Sosial |
22. |
PSS805 |
Self dan Identitas |
2 |
23. |
PSS806 |
Motivasi dan Regulasi Diri |
2 |
24. |
PSS807 |
Relasi Interpersonal dan Sikap |
2 |
25. |
PSS808 |
Kepribadian dan Perilaku Sosial |
2 |
26. |
PSS809 |
Proses dan Hubungan Antar Kelompok |
2 |
Sub Jumlah Beban Studi Semester 3 |
6 |
Semester IV |
27. |
PNP898 |
Proposal Disertasi |
3 |
28. |
PNP890 |
Seminar Instrumen Disertasi |
3 |
29. |
PNP891 |
Penulisan Ilmiah Disertasi |
4 |
Sub Jumlah Beban Studi Semester 4 |
10 |
Semester V |
30. |
PNP892 |
Analisis Data Kuantitatif |
2 |
31. |
PNP893 |
Analisis Data Kualitatif |
2 |
32. |
PNP894 |
Seminar Hasil Disertasi |
4 |
Sub Jumlah Beban Studi Semester 5 |
8 |
Semester VI |
33. |
PNP895 |
Kelayakan Naskah Disertasi |
4 |
34. |
PNP896 |
Disertasi Tertutup |
5 |
35. |
PNP899 |
Disertasi Terbuka |
4 |
Sub Jumlah Beban Studi Semester 6 |
13 |
Jumlah Beban Studi Prodi |
50 |
Sebelum menempuh perkuliahan Semester 1, mahasiswa akan mengikuti perkuliahan matrikulasi untuk mengoptimalkan kesiapan mengikuti proses belajar selama masa studi. Perkuliahan matrikulasi mencakup materi statistik lanjut dan berbagai kajian terkini dari empat bidang peminatan, dengan total waktu 50 jam.
Mata Kuliah Matrikulasi
NO. |
1 |
Metode Penelitian dan Statistik Lanjut |
10 |
2 |
Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi |
10 |
3 |
Psikologi Perkembangan dan Pendidikan |
10 |
4 |
Psikologi Sosial |
10 |
5 |
Psikologi Klinis |
10 |
Total Jam Matrikulasi |
50 |
Alur Mata Kuliah Kurikulum 2016

Kurikulum Program Studi Doktor Psikologi Universitas Airlangga telah disusun dengan mempertimbangkan derajat integrasi materi pembelajaran dengan intra dan antar disiplin ilmu. Sebagaimana tertulis dalam Dokumen Kurikulum maupun Buku Pedoman Akademik yang selaras dengan isi KKNI Jenjang 9, kurikulum yang digunakan dalam prodi ini dirancang sedemikian rupa untuk mampu menghasilkan lulusan yang yang memiliki kemampuan memecahkan persoalan psikologis di masyarakat dengan pendekatan inter, multi, dan transdisipliner.
Alur mata kuliah yang disusun secara jelas sehingga mahasiswa dapat mencapai kompetensi lulusan secara optimal. Mata kuliah yang diberikan memiliki saling keterkaitan yang menghasilkan sinergi keunggulan daya saing lulusan. Materi perkuliahan disusun sesuai dengan perkembangan penelitian disertasi mahasiswa, mulai dari yang paling dasar di Semester 1 dan seterusnya pada semester-semester berikutnya. Pada semester yang menyediakan Mata Kuliah Penunjang Disertasi (MKPD) juga terdapat integrasi materi pembelajaran antar disiplin ilmu dengan dosen yang memiliki latar belakang sesuai dengan kebutuhan topik disertasi mahasiswa.
Course is undertaken through the system of face-to-face lectures, seminars, self study and scientific communication, research, and scientific writing.
- In-class face-to-face lectures are held on the following days:
- Monday – Friday, at 14.00-20.00.
- Saturday, at 09.00-15.00.
- Seminars, self study and scientific communication, research, and scientific writing, either lecture-related or for dissertation writing, may take place beyond the lectures schedule above.
- Structured group discussions and dissertation writing assistance through camp are carried out twice: in Semester II and Semester IV. Camp in Semester II is focused on facilitating students to: (1) Find and formulate their dissertation research problems; (2) Develop a conceptual framework as the basis for thinking; and (3) Develop an appropriate research design for their dissertation research problems. Meanwhile, camp in Semester IV is focused on facilitating students to prepare a good scientific article to be published in a reputable international journal.
- Students are required to attend scheduled face-to-face lectures at least 75%. If their attendance is less than 75%, students lose the right to sit in the final exam of the course and will get an E for the course.
- Students are required to attend seminars, do self study, write scientific papers and publish them, and participate in structured group discussions as also required at each stage of dissertation process.
- Students may write to the Program Coordinator asking permission to not attend face-to-face lectures, seminars and other activities undertaken by the study program when they are ill or perform faculty/university duties or other assignments.