Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Airlangga

Bachelor of Psychology


International: AUN-QA, FIBAA

Intake Period



8 semesters (144 credits)




On campus

Admission Informations: PPMB UNAIR Website


Research and community outreach are organized by Faculty of Psychology and are arranged in a research roadmap by each department.
Information about research and community service interest can be located in the profile of each lecturer on this link: Lecturers Profile & Expertise.
Data about researches conducted by lecturers can be located on this link: Research

Buku Panduan Akademik Sarjana Psikologi UNAIR Kurikulum 2021 (PDF)

  1. Academic Mobility Exchange for Undergraduate at Airlangga (AMERTA). Bachelor of Psychology Programme offers some courses for international class centrally managed by Universitas Airlangga.
  2. Inbound-outbond student mobility UNAIR-UUM. Bachelor of Psychology programme and School of Applied Psychology, Social Work, and Policy, Universiti Utara (Malaysia) organizes student exchange from both programme, where students from each one will study for one semester in the partner-institution with a credit transfer system.
  3. 2+2 Articulation Program (collaboration with QUT, Australia). This programme is a collaboration between Bachelor of Psychology programme with School of Psychology and Counselling, Queensland University of Technology (Australia) which offers double degree. Students will spend their first two years in UNAIR and the next two years in QUT.

Currently, there are two curricula that apply in Bachelor of Psychology programme, namely curriculum of 2009 and curriculum 2014. Curriculum of 2009 applies for students of Class 2012 and earlier. Meanwhile, curriculum of 2014 is the redesign of the curriculum of 2009 which applies for students of Class 2013 and later.

Learning Outcomes in Curriculum of 2009
Area of Competence Learning Outcomes
Personal: ability to develop self-awareness and characters building. 1. Able to apply psychology-specific content and skills, effective self-reflection, project-management skills, teamwork skills, communication skills, and career preparation inline to contextual values and professional standard.
Conceptual: ability to mastery psychological concepts and theories 2. Able to demonstrate fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical findings to discuss how psychological principles apply to behavioural problems.
Research and assessment: ability and skills to conduct research and assessment about psychological issues of individual and community. 3. Able to demonstrate competence in theory use as well as designing and executing research and assessment plans.
Creation and intervention: ability to create programmer or products to promote individual and community well-being 4. Able to design innovative programmes or products to optimize contributions to society’s wellbeing.

Learning Outcomes in Curriculum of 2014

No Learning Outcomes Courses
1 Showing behaviour based on noble values, respecting differences, and empathetic.
  • Religion of Islam I
  • Pancasila
  • Citizenship Education
2 Mastering major theoretical concepts of human mental functions and processes (e.g. memory, emotion, and motivation), as well as history and schools of psychology.
  • History and Schools of Psychology
  • Individual Behaviour and Mental Process
3 Mastering the theoretical concepts of the influence of brain and nervous system on behaviour.
  • of Behaviour
4 Mastering the theoretical concepts of learning process.
  • Psychology of Learning
  • Educational Psychology
5 Mastering the theories of personality
  • Psychology of Personality
Mastering the theoretical concepts of human developments from conception stage until elder stage.
  • Theories of Developmental Psychology
7 Mastering the theoretical concepts of mental health and psychopathology.
  • Psychopathology
  • Mental Health
Mastering the principles of community approach in seeking mental health improvement.
8 Mastering the theoretical concepts of human relationships with their social environment.
  • Social Cognition
  • Social Interaction
  • Social Influence and Group Dynamics
9 Mastering the concepts and basic theories of Industrial and Organisational Psychology.
  • Industrial and Organizational Psychology
10 Mastering basic statistical techniques and basic research methodology.
  • Basics of Research Methodology
11 Mastering phases of preparing psychological scale, concepts in psychological measurement (validity, reliability, norms), classical test theory, and basic concepts in psychometric.
  • Psychological Measurement
12 Able to develop psychological measurement instrument based on the rules of classical test theory
13 Mastering basic concepts and principles of psychodiagnostic, interview techniques, observation techniques, and theoretical concepts that underlie the psychological tests.
  • Basics of Psychological Assessment
14 Understanding basic methods of counselling, psychoeducation, training and psychotherapy.
  • Basic Psychological Interventions
15 Understanding theoretical concept of interpersonal communication and mass communication.
  • Communication Skill
16 Having an ability to explain the ideas by writing, showing presentation effectively, and using information technology with responsible.
17 Understanding scientific writing methods based on American Psychological Association (APA).
18 Understanding Ethics Principles of Profession and Ethic Codes of Psychology in Indonesia.
  • Religion II (Ethic Codes of Psychology)
19 Responsible on work result based on Ethic Codes of Psychology in Indonesia.
20 Mastering theoretical concept about self-development and carrier.
  • Personal Development
21 Capable on doing rapport and develop effective professional relation, and develop a healthy interpersonal relation.
  • Assessment and Intervention of Children and Adolescent
  • Assessment and Intervention of Adult and Elder people
  • Assessment and Intervention of Organization
  • Assessment and Intervention of Community
22 Mastering on doing interview, observation, psychological test based on psychodiagnostical principle and Ethic Codes of Psychology in Indonesia.
23 Able to analyse non-clinical psychological problems and behavioral problems and provide alternative solutions among existed solutions.
24 Capable on doing psychological intervention by using counselling method, psychoeducation, training and other intervention techniques based on theoretical concept of psychology and ethic codes of psychology in Indonesia.
25 Understanding on doing psychological research by using quantitative research method (at least descriptive statistical analysis or inferential bivariate, and non-parametric to observed variable) and by using qualitative research methods.
  • Quantitative Research Methods and Analysis
  • Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis
26 Able to plan and develop career and personal development
  • Personal Development

No Learning Outcomes Courses
27 Ability to explain basic concepts of science philosophy, such as paradigm, falsification, realism, and hypothetico-deductive model.
  • Philosophy of Knowledge
28 Ability to explain critically and argumentatively about philosophical problems of human nature associated with physical, metaphysical, and social features.
  • Human Philosophy
29 Ability to explain the impacts of science development and technology on global environment.
  • Basic Natural Science
30 Creating a map/dynamic of developmental and educational issues at each stage of development using a family perspective.
  • Human Development, Education, & Family
31 Creating a scheme/diagrams of group influences dynamics on social institutions, as well as how groups teach individuals about what is appropriate and inappropriate, facilitate and impede change, mark levels of status, social class and power, and demonstrate prejudice and discrimination.
  • Sociology
32 Mastering theoretical concepts and approaches of indigenous on individual and group behaviour.
  • Indigenous Psychology
33 Creating a scheme/diagrams of the dynamics of Indonesian current society behaviour using anthropology-psychological perspective.
  • Anthropology
34 Ability to apply Bahasa language in communicating, both orally and in writing based on applicable rules.
  • Indonesian Language
35 Ability to apply English language in communicating, both orally and in writing based on applicable rules.
  • English Language
36 Mastering theoretical concepts of family dynamics and development in relation to individual development.
  • Human Development, Education, & Family
37 Ability to design a community health promotion through intervention mapping approach.
  • Healthy Behaviour
38 Ability to recognize and develop potential leadership skills beneath themselves.
  • Leadership and Decision Making
39 Ability to make a decision based on decisional making analysis techniques.
40 Creating undergraduate thesis proposal based on topics and themes from each areas of interest.
  • Seminar of Clinical Psychology and Mental Health
  • Seminar of Educational and Developmental Psychology
  • Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Seminar)
  • Social Psychology (Seminar)

No Learning Outcomes Course
41 Compiling lesson planning or managing early childhood education based on concept of child development (Developmentally Appropriate Practice/DAP)
  • Early Childhood Education
42 Capable to design planning of learning programs for adults
  • Adult Education
43 Implementing programs for gifted individuals’ development on socio-emotional aspects, creativity, learning independence and career
  • Psychology of Giftedness
44 Capable to make educational game tool (APE) as stimulation of development and learning media in education
  • Psychology of Playing
45 Designing programs for preventing emotional and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents considering to the bio-psycho-socio-cultural and gender aspects
  • Mental Health of Children and Adolescents
46 Capable to develop learning strategies for Special Needs Students in accordance with their specificity in Inclusion School
  • Inclusive Education
47 Make the right recommendations to help optimize progress and resolve individual issues at every stage of developmental age (child, adolescent, adult and elderly)
  • Optimization of Human Development
48 Create design planning community profiling activities for mental health improvement
  • Community Mental Health
49 Intervening addictions behaviour which emerged by the use of computer-mediated communication behaviour, both in individual and social terms.
  • Cyber Space Psychology
50 Create design of conflict resolution within the context of Indonesian society
  • Psychology of Peace
51 Capable to perform psychological handling of disaster victims based on Psychological First Aids approach and procedure
  • Psychology of Disaster
52 Capable to intervene to strengthen psychosocial capacity for communities in disaster prone areas (disaster mitigation)
53 Identify risk factors that contribute to health problems by exploring determinant factors based on ecological approaches using intervention mapping measures
  • Community-based Healthy Behaviour
54 Performing assistance or psycho education for society related to human trafficking case
  • Human trafficking and Family Resilience
55 Designing a mass behaviour model for constructive interest in the life of society
  • Mass Psychology
56 Designing intervention models which able to increase positive work behaviour and reduce negative work behaviour
  • Mental Health and Psychology of Work Behaviour
57 Arranging a business plan and conducting a research market related to business which they will do
  • Psychology of entrepreneurship
58 Able to design a coaching for individual development in workplace
  • Individual Development in Organization
59 Designing a training which able to improve group effectivity for increasing mental health in organization
  • Group in Organization
60 Designing module of organization culture change initiation
  • Organizational Development
61 Creating a stress management project which related to personal stress cases in daily life
  • Stress Management
62 Able to perform psychological mapping of the perpetrators of criminal / criminal acts (criminal profiling)
  • Forensic Psychology
63 Able to perform psychological autopsy of the crime victim
64 Able to perform group counselling in case of substance abuse or risky behaviour of adolescence
  • Therapeutic Counselling
65 Performing counselling for non-clinical problem in marriage and family
  • Family Mental Health
66 Designing preventive, promotive, and curative program towards psychological disorders in adult and elderly
  • Adult and Elderly Mental Health

Learning activities are divided into two semesters in one year. The odd semester is held during August – January, while even semester is during February – July. The minimum number of meetings in one semester is 14 which can be conducted in various learning strategies, such as lecture, seminar, group discussion, field trip, research, and so on. Student can access their schedule through their respective account on Universitas Airlangga Cyber Campus (UACC).

Bachelor of Psychology programme is accreited ‘A’ based on Decision Letter No. 1386/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VII/2016, dated 29 July 2019, valid until 29 July 2021. Graduates will hold a Sarjana Psikologi degree (S.Psi, equivalent to Bachelor of Psychology). Students of 2+2 Articulation Program will hold Sarjana Psikologi degree and Bachelor of Behavioral Science degree.

Bachelor of Psychology programme offers opportunity for students to develop their soft skills and leadership potential through various student organization (Organisasi Kemahasiswaan - Ormawa): Student Executive Board (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa - BEM), Students Legislative Board (Badan Legislatif Mahasiswa - BLM), and Semi-Autonomous Board (Badan Semi Otonom - BSO). Activities of these student organisations are managed by the member, monitored by supervising lecturer, and reported periodically to the dean of the faculty.

A number of scholarships is offered to the students and some of it are centrally managed by Universitas Airlangga. Scholarships are given to students who qualify for the requirements. The scholarships managed by UNAIR are:
  1. Beasiswa Masuk Universitas (BMU),
  2. BUMN Peduli Pendidikan,
  3. Bidik Misi,
  4. Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik (PPA),
  5. Bantuan Belajar Mahasiswa (BBM),
  6. Peningkatan Prestasi Ekstrakurikuler (PPE),
  7. Djarum Bakti Pendidikan,
  8. Bank Mayapada,
  9. Bank Eka Cipta,
  10. Semen Gresik,
  11. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa,
  12. Pertamina Yekape,
  13. Supersemar,
  14. Bakti BCA
  15. Damandiri,
  16. Bank Indonesia,
  17. Bank Rakyat Indonesia,
  18. PT. Gas Negara,
  19. Marga Jaya,
  20. Indocement, etc.
Association of Psychology Universitas Airlangga Alumni (Ikatan Alumni Psikologi Universitas Airlangga / APSILANGGA) also offers student-loan for outstanding students in need based on priority scheme.


Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga has an alumni associate called APSILANGGA (Alumni Psikologi Universitas Airlangga / Associate of Psychology Universitas Airlangga Alumni). Various activities are organized by APSILANGGA, both by the steering committee and the alumni. Alumni of Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga are actively involved in numbers of activities organized by the university, particularly those which are organized by IKA UA and Faculty of Psychology. APSILANGGA has officially served as a communication medium for alumni since 2003 through an Alumni National Discussion (Mukernas Alumni) in Surabaya Hilton Hotel. It was named IKA-PSIKOLOGI UNAIR then. In Mukernas III 2008, this organisation changed its name into APSILANGGA. In addition to its function as a communication portal, in its development, APSILANGGA has succeeded in becoming a place for self-development for alumni, students, and wider community. APSILANGGA organizes numbers of seminar and training program and shares information about job vacancy via alumni blog and official website of the faculty. It is deemed as an effective way for academic and non-academic improvement for alumni, students, and the community. Recently, APSILANGGA collaborated with HIMPSI Jatim (East-Java regional HIMPSI) to become a bridge for psychodiagnostic skill and professional knowledge improvement for alumni, students, and wider community. APSILANGGA also builds a social network to sharpen community’s or particularly alumni’s social concern by raising funds and providing financial aids for those in need.

APSILANGGA's Activities

Since 2000, APSILANGGA has created a milist (mailing list) as a communication medium for alumni (https://groups.yahoo.com/group/alumni_psi_unair). APSILANGGA also has a blog for alumni to share new information pertaining to work and carrier which is also integrated to the faculty website (https://www.psikologi.unair.ac.id/alumni). This blog serves as a portal for socialisation of alumni’s activity, information about alumni, work vacancy information, training and seminar information both by APSILANGGA or other organizers, profile of alumni’s achievement, and also information about faculty’s events, especially those involving alumni.
Some regular activities held by APSILANGGA are:
  1. Conference
  2. Seminar and training
  3. Reunion and Family Gathering
  4. Shared learning with students
  5. Other academic and non-academic activities.

Research and community outreach are organized by Faculty of Psychology and are arranged in a research roadmap by each department.
Information about research and community service interest can be located in the profile of each lecturer on this link: Profil Dosen & Kepakaran.
Data about researches conducted by lecturers can be located on this link: Research