LECTURER - Pramesti Pradna Paramita
Pramesti Pradna Paramita, M.Ed.Psych., Ph.D, Psikolog

- Assessment of psychology in educational settings
- Inclusive education
- Bachelor of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga
- Master of Educational Psychology, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Doctor of Educational Psychology, Monash University, Australia
- Training of Basic Instructional Skills Improvement Program (PEKERTI), by Universitas Airlangga
- Training on the Preparation and Development of Psychological Tests, by the Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI)
- Training of Trainers in Inclusion and Inclusive Practices, by Faculty of Psychology UNAIR and Flinders University of South Australia
- Active Didactic Method in Teaching Psychology, by Faculty of Psychology UNAIR
- Autism Management Training, by Autism Association of Western Australia
- Psychology of Special Child and Adolescent
- Assessment of Educational and Developmental Psychology
- Psychodiagnostic V (Intelligence Tests, Talent and Interests)
- Inclusive Education
- Psychological Intervention in Educational Setting
- Inclusive education
- Development of psychological assessment
- Assessment and educational intervention for students with special needs
- Head of Psychology Laboratory of Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga (2012-2013)