Prof. Dr. Nurul Hartini, S.Psi., M.Kes., Psikolog
- Mental health
- Family counseling & psychology
- Psychological well-being
- Competence management
- Bachelor of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga
- Master of Public Health Science, Universitas Airlangga
- Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Universitas Padjadjaran
- Psychodiagnostics, by the Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI)
- Teaching Skills, by the Institute of Educational Improvement and Development Universitas Airlangga (LP3UA)
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy, by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia
- Active Didactic Method in Teaching Psychology, by Faculty of Psychology UNAIR
- Mental health
- Family Psychology
- Abnormal Psychology
- Personality Psychology
- Counseling Psychology
- Mental health
- Family psychology
- Child education
- Vice Dean I Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga (2007-2010)
- Head of Psychological Services Unit Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga (2003-2007)
- Compiler team of TPA & CPNS National test (2012-present)
- Members of HIMPSI (2007-present)
- Member of the Clinical Psychological Association (GPA) (2015-present)
- Members of University Senate (2007-2010, 2015-2020)
- Dean of Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga (2015-2020)