Margaretha, S.Psi., P.G.Dip.Psych., M.S
- Clinical Psychology and Mental Health
- Development of Psychopathology
- Forensic Psychology
- Measurement and Research on Children and Adolescents
- Bachelor of Clinical Psychology, Universitas Airlangga
- Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (Neuropsychology) at the University of Newcastle, Australia
- Master of Research (Developmental Psychopathology) at Universiteit Utrect, The Netherlands
- Internship in the Psychiatric Department of Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya
- Legal, Criminal and Forensic Psychology, by Centrum Pro Veřejnou Politiku, Czech Republic
- Brevet Psychotherapist for Children and Youth, cooperation between Rhino Group Utrecht, Netherlands, with Universitas Padjadjaran
- Early Identification and Intervention to Autism, by the Autism Association of Western Australia
- Research on Neuroscience, by the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Active Didactic Method in Teaching Psychology, by Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga
- Course on Cognitive Neuroscience, by Utrecht University, 2015
- Video Feedback for Promoting Positive Parenting, by Leiden University, 2016
- Abnormal Psychology
- Forensic Psychology
- Psychopathology in Children and Adolescents
- Psychodiagnostic: Assessment of Intelligence, Talent and Interests
- Attachment and trauma
- Violence in personal relationships
- Risky Behavior in adolescence and resilience
- Development of psychological measurements
- Early identification and intervention in autism
- The initiator of research and speakers of the Prevention of Risk Behavior and Violence towards Adolescents
- Teen Counselor at Universitas Airlangga Psychological Services Unit
- Ambassador of Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga (2011-present)
- Member of ASP (Association for Psychological Science)