LECTURER - Listyati Setyo Palupi
Listyati Setyo Palupi, S.Psi., M.DevPract.

- Social psychology
- Community development
- Social impact analysis
- Program evaluation
- Drug abuse
- Addiction / dependency
- Community intervention
- Environmental psychology
- Bachelor of Psychology at Universitas Airlangga
- Master of Development in Practice (Adv) at Queensland University
- Teaching Skills, by Educational Enhancement and Development Institute of Universitas Airlangga (LP3UA)
- Active Didactic Method in Teaching Psychology, by Faculty of Psychology UNAIR
- Scientific Article Writing, by Universitas Airlangga
- Social psychology
- Environmental psychology
- Group dynamics
- Cross-cultural psychology and ulayat psychology
- Community intervention
- Disaster management
- Community development approach
- Social impact analysis
- Individuals and communities
- Environmental psychology
- Development review
- community empowerment
- Addiction / dependency
- Member of Researchers and Developers of Education and Innovation Policy (P4I) Association Directorate General of Higher Education (2008-present)
- Member of Indonesian Psychological Association (Himpsi) (2007-present)
- Member of Asian Psychological Association (Apsya) (2007-present)
- Member of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) (2007-present)