LECTURER - Herdina Indrijati
Herdina Indrijati, M.Psi., Psikolog

- Child and adolescent developmental psychology
- Family psychology
- Developmental psychologists of children and adolescents
- Psychology of play
- Judges in psychology and performance
- Self-presentation trainer
- Bachelor of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga
- Master of Professional Psychology (Specialization in Educational Psychology), Universitas Airlangga
- Psychodiagnostics, by the Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI)
- Applied Approach (AA) Teaching Skills, by the Institute of Educational Improvement and Development Universitas Airlangga (LP3UA)
- Spiritual Training of Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT)
- Child Advocacy and Advocacy in Level I Legal Processes, by Indonesian Forensic Psychology Association
- Active Didactic Method in Teaching Psychology, by Faculty of Psychology UNAIR
- Assessment Center, by Faculty of Psychology UNAIR
- Child and adolescent developmental psychology
- Family psychology
- Adult and elderly assessment and intervention
- Optimizing human development
- Child and adolescent developmental psychology
- Teenage sexual behavior
- Classroom management methods
- Head of Psychology Laboratory, Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga (2009-2010)
- Head of Center of Applied Educational Psychology (PTPP) Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga (2011-2013)