LECTURER - Berlian Gressy Septarini
Berlian Gressy Septarini, M.Psych (Org)., Psikolog

- Industrial & organizational psychology
- Assessment of psychology within the organization
- Worker’s psychological welfare
- Managing stress and workload
- Organization development
- Individual differences in work
- Career development
- Bachelor of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga
- Master of Psychology (Organizational Stream), Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia
- Quick Judgment for Organizational Assessment, by HIMPSI Jaya
- Assessment Center Training, by Assessment Center Indonesia
- Active Didactic Method in Teaching Psychology, by Faculty of Psychology UNAIR
- MBTI, by CPP Asia Pacific
- Industrial & Organizational Psychology
- Competence in Work
- Assessment of Psychology in Organizations
- Development of Competencies for Organizational Development Practitioners
- Worker’s psychological welfare
- Growth generation in the organizational context
- Organization development
- Life and work balance
- Employability
- Head of Institute for Assessment and Development of Applied Psychology (2008-2010, 2012-2014)
- Head of Organizational Change and Development Study program in Master Degree (2011)
- AusAID Australian Partnership Scholarship (2005-2007) scholarship recipient
- Member of the Australian Psychological Society, Board of Western Australia (2007-2008)
- Chief Assessor of LPDP, Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia (2014-present)