Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Airlangga

2+2 Articulation Program

Sarjana Psikologi
(Universitas Airlangga)

Bachelor of Behavioural Science (QUT)

The vision of Universitas Airlangga is to become an independent, innovative, leading university at national and international level, the pioneer in the development of science, technology, and humanities based on religious morality. As one of the efforts to achieve those vision of Universitas Airlangga, especially to be prominent at national and international level, Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga has established international cooperation relation with School of Psychology, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in conducting international class of 2 + 2 Articulation Program.

The 2 + 2 articulation program in Psychology is a joint implementation of Double Degree education where the implementation of the first 2 (two) years of study at Universitas Airlangga and the next 2 (two) years at QUT that will result in a Bachelor of Psychology – S.Psi., and Bachelor of Behavioral Science (Psychology) – BBehavSc(Psychology). The location of the program is conducted in two universities, where the first 2 years of study is placed at the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga in Surabaya Indonesia, and the next 2 years will be placed at the Kelvin Grove School of Psychology and Counseling Faculty of Health, QUT Australia.

Both educational programs have the same study component, but each has a different distinction in the perspective of Psychology disciplines. The Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga studied Psychology in general especially in 4 areas of interest, namely: Clinical and Mental Health, Development and Education, Industry and Organization and Social and Personality. While the School of Psychology and Counseling Faculty of Health QUT has a focus on the study of Counseling Psychology, especially applied in the field of health.

2+2 Articulation program provides the first step towards career as a psychology specialist and/or psychologist as the best basis for developing careers in various fields related to human behavior. During program, students can choose their subject of interest and will obtain job placement that suitable with their career goals. Nonetheless, opportunities to work abroad in Australia might available as well.

The main areas of psychology program in Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga will introduce students to the scientific basis of psychology including social psychology, developmental, research methods, physiology, perception and cognition, counseling, assessment, individual differences, and psychopathology.

Student in this program will be able to develop their skills and knowledge in Psychology by 4 (four) areas of interests: Clinical Psychology and Mental Health, Educational and Developmental Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Social and Personality Psychology. Meanwhile, in QUT students will also experience a supportive learning environment where they can develop specializations in family therapy, alcohol and drugs, sexuality and gender, organizational psychology, psychology on the highway, forensic psychology, and law psychology.

Generally, 2+2 Articulation Program was chosen for it will provide an opportunity for students to:
  • Learning in international academic environment
  • Learning to implement Psychology principle in real world
  • Self development and global career potential
  • Learning with high-technology and multimedia sources
  • Chance to experience life in Brisbane

In addition, students who choose this program can experience learning process and self-development in Universitas Airlangga, one of leading educational institutions in Indonesia, and Queensland University of Technology in Australia.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of this program have proficiency that can be applied to various professional areas. Analytical skills, interpersonal skills, and research skills will be suitable for a career in education field, human resource, market research, organization development, law field, public health, human services, and counseling. Specifically, graduates of this program will be able to start their career in:

  • Psychologist Assistant
  • Entrepreneur
  • Research Assistant
  • Consultant (Educational, Human Resource, Growth and Development, Mental Health)
  • Public Relations and Communications Staff
  • Facilitating and motivating in training program
  • Staff or Manager in Human Resource Area
  • Lecturer
  • Early Childhood Education Developers
  • Inclusive Education Developers
  • Counselor
  • Supervising mental health program
  • Planning and facilitating mental health program
  • Community Assistant
  • Planning and facilitating in developing program
  • Other professions that require skills and knowledge related to human behavior

To pursue a career as a registered psychologist, student must enrolled further study at the Master of Professional and recognize by Psychology Council both in Indonesia and Australia.
Bachelor of Psychology at Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga has been accredited "UNGGUL" by National Accreditation Board of Indonesia (BAN-PT).

Bachelor of Behavioral Science (Psychology) at School of Psychology and Counseling QUT also accredited by Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) in providing a three-year undergraduate degree in Psychology. Thus, after completing 2+2 Articulation Program, graduates can continue their further studies both in Australia and Indonesia.
Course Modul in 2+2 Articulation
Articulation 2+2 program is expected to yield graduates who has equal competencies to Bachelor of Behavioral Science (Psychology) in Australia and Bachelor of Psychology in Indonesia. Graduates of this program are expected to be able to implement psychology principles with scientist-practitioner approach in mental health field. Below are the learning objectives along with the entire curriculum during the first two years in Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga and the next two years in School of Psychology and Counseling QUT.

1st  year – 1st Semester (Universitas Airlangga)
  • Religion
  • Anthropology
  • Sociology
  • Biopsychological Bases of Behavior
  • Human Behavior and Mental Processes
  • History and Systems of Psychology
  • Social Cognition
  • Social Interaction
  • English for academic purpose

1st  year – 2nd Semester (Universitas Airlangga)
  • Education of Pancasila and Citizenship
  • Basics of Natural Science
  • Philosophy of Logic and Science
  • Philosophy of Human
  • Social Influence and Group Dynamics
  • Psychology of Learning
  • Personality Psychology
  • Theories of Developmental Psychology
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Communication Skills

2nd year – 1st Semester (Universitas Airlangga)
  • Human Developmental, Education, and Family
  • Health Behavior
  • Mental Health
  • Psychological Assessment
  • Basics of Psychological Assessment
  • Basics of Psychological Intervention

2nd year – 2nd Semester (Universitas Airlangga)
  • Psychology of Education
  • Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Psychopathology
  • Basics of Research Methods
  • Assessment and Intervention of Children and Adolescents
  • Assessment and Intervention of Adulthood
  • Assessment and Intervention of Community

3rd year – 1st Semester (QUT)
  • Social and Organizational Psychology
  • Research Design and Data Analysis
  • Psychology Elective
  • Elective

3rd year – 2nd Semester (QUT)
  • Perception and Cognition
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Elective
  • Elective

4th year – 1st Semester (QUT)
  • Physiological Psychology
  • Individual Differences and Assessment
  • Psychology Elective
  • Elective

4th year – 2nd Semester (QUT)
  • Psychopathology
  • Advanced Statistical Analysis
  • Level 3 Psychology Elective
  • Elective

In the first year, students take the general course and basics of psychology in Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga. In the following year, second years, student is given basic psychological concepts, research methodology, and psychological measurement and intervention. During the learning process in the first and second year in Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga, students are required to develop their Academic English and critical thinking skill. On the first year, students take the general course and basic of psychology that equals to 45 credits (SKS). The next year, students learn basic concepts of psychology, research methodology, and psychological measurement and intervention which equivalent to 45 credits (SKS).
The last two years of academic period  in Faculty of Health QUT is commenced with semester transition during the first six month. Students are required to undertake language preparation program, namely EAP and undergraduate thesis preparation. Students could participate in English Academic Preparation (EAP) in International College QUT for six to twelve weeks. Students who need to participate in EAP Program are a student who hasn’t met the IELTS Score requirement that is 6.5. The student who passed the EAP Program will continue their study in School of Psychology and Counseling QUT in the third and fourth year.
Who can enroll to this program?
The selection of undergraduate program students for International Class Articulation 2+2 Program is conducted centrally. This selection process is adhere with special-track selection mechanism which held by Pusat Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (PPMB) UNAIR.

UNAIR special-track is one of the new students admission system for undergraduate students which held independently by Universitas Airlangga to enroll in particular study program. This special-track selection is different from selection system by means of National Selection for Entering Public Universities (SNMPTN) and Joint Selection for Entering Public Universities (SBMPTN) for Entering Public Universities (SBMPTN). Information regarding enrollment timeline and selection process can be accessed in PPMB Universitas Airlangga website (http://ppmb.unair.ac.id).
Below are the enrollment requirements:

a. General Requirements
  • Indonesian Citizens / Foreign Nationals who already met  the applicable law provision
  • High school graduates (SMA/SMU (in Indonesia) or overseas senior high school) in the last three years;
  • Do not have any disability which can interfere with the study process in this program.

b. Special Requirements
  • Minimum TOEFL Score: 500
  • Written consent from parents / custodian

Aside from accepting new students for this program by means of special-track PPMB UNAIR, regular students who have gone through the first year are able to transfer to this program for their second year The decision of the first year student of regular program who is able to transfer to international class in the second year will be determined by selection committee which formed by Dean of Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga and legitimated by Universitas Airlangga Rector's decree. The requirements for regular students who will transfer to 2+2 Articulation Program on the second year are the followings:
  • 2nd Semester GPA minimum of 3,25
  • Latest TOEFL Score minimum 500
  • Written consent from parents / custodian
Tuition fee for Articulation 2+2 program are set on student's study location basis.  In the first two years (1st-4th semester), student will pay the tuition fee applies on Universitas Airlangga because they undergo their studies in Universitas Airlangga. The following two years (5th-8th semester) they will pay the tuition fee applies on QUT because they undergo their studies in QUT.

The students are required to pay:
  • Each semester tuition fee IDR 20.000.000*
  • Initial tuition fee (paid once when students first enrolled) IDR 40.000.000*

Meanwhile the tuition fees in QUT is as follow AUD 12.300 / each semester. This amount will be reviewed annually and will be determined before new academic year. The determination of tuition fee in Universitas Airlangga will be legitimated annually with Rector's decree, meanwhile the amount of tuition fees in QUT will be determined annually by QUT and will be informed to Universitas Airlangga before students admissions.Therefore, information regarding tuition fee could be accessed by prospective students.

*The amount is subject to change depends on annual financial adjustments made in accordance with Rector of Universitas Airlangga decision and QUT