Increasing The Study Interest: The Effectivity of Poster Group Discussion-Sticker Reward (PDG-SR) to Increase The Study Interest in English


  • Anandhika Agus Saputra Universitas Airlangga
  • Vivik Shofiah State Islamic University of SUSKA Riau


English lesson, PGD-SR, Study Interest


The purpose of this research was to increase the study interest in English lessons in high school students. The hypothesis of this research was the effectivity of the Poster Group Discussion-Sticker Reward (PGD-SR) learning method in class to increase study interest in English lessons. The study design in this research was a quantitative experiment with 40 participants divided into experiment and control groups after screening. Study interest was measured and collected using the Brown-Forsythe test to see the baseline differences between the experiment and control groups. The result showed there was no different baseline between groups (p=0.803). The repeated measures ANOVA analysis resulted in significant results for the study interest (p=0.004). The findings also showed there was a significant interaction between study interest pretest and posttest group (p=0.001), meaning there was a significant role of the PGD-SR in increasing study interest (experiment group pretest-posttest M=50.200-55.600 respectively and control group pretest-posttest M=50.800-50.350 respectively). The post hoc comparison test showed that the pretest of the experiment group 
was significantly different from the posttest of the experiment group (p=0.001***) with an effect size of 0.697. The results mentioned concluded that there was an effect of PGD-SR in increasing study interest in English lessons, which was that PGD-SR could have potential implications for educational psychology. 


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How to Cite

Saputra, A. A., & Shofiah, V. (2024). Increasing The Study Interest: The Effectivity of Poster Group Discussion-Sticker Reward (PDG-SR) to Increase The Study Interest in English. PROCEEDING SERIES OF PSYCHOLOGY, 2(1), 365-369.