Adaptive Leadership Scale (Skala Kepemimpinan Adaptif) Construction for Leaders in Indonesia
Adaptive Leadership, Leader, Multi Generation, Work ForceAbstract
The workforce is becoming more diversified, with four to five different generations working together. Indonesia's workforce nowadays contains 16 to 69 years old. There will be new challenges brought on by this variety, notably in terms of leadership skills. Leaders must be able to adapt and change their leadership style based on employee characteristics. However, no currently available leadership scale can identify an adaptive and flexible leader. Thus, an adaptive leadership scale is needed to address this issue. Adaptive Leadership Scale consists of 8 dimensions with 66 items using a Likert scale of 1 (totally different from me,) to 5 (very much like me). It was tested on 124 participants aged 22 to 54 years consisting of 63 male participants (M-age=30.3) and 61 female participants (M-age=29.5) who are leaders at various leadership levels and occupations. This paper described the preliminary validity and reliability test results of this scale. The results show that the Skala Kepemimpinan Adaptif is reliable (a = 0.955) and valid (CrIT = 0.203 - 0.613). In conclusion, the Skala Kepemimpinan Adaptif can be used to assess the adaptability of Indonesian leaders in their leadership. Discussion, implications, and suggestions are included.
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