Understanding the Well-Being of Family Caregiver for Elderly With Dementia: Findings From a Literature Study
Dementia, Elderly, Family Caregiver, Well-BeingAbstract
Being the caregiver for elderly with dementia is a challenging task. Studies reported that elderly with dementia experienced cognitive and behavioral disorders, along with the need for assistance and continuous supervision. These adverse conditions can make the caregivers having problems with their well-being. The aim of this article is to identify factors contributing to family caregivers’ well-being for elderly with dementia. A systematic literature review based on PRISMA guidelines was conducted. Three databases, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar were systematically searched using specific keywords and Boolean operators. There were 1.061 hits emerged during the initial search. Following screening for duplication, title and abstract review, and further review based on the relevance to the study purpose, 21 studies were included for synthesis. The studies reviewed were conducted in many countries with varied customs, beliefs, and cultures, hence, many caregivers’ well-being factors were found. In order to get a better understanding to the results, we used the Social Ecological Model and clustered these factors into three levels: intrapersonal level, interpersonal level, and community level. These findings may help professionals in determining targets and strategies to provide the more effective psychological interventions and important skills to support the family caregivers’ well-being.
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