Identifying Self-Adjustment Among First Grade Students of Modern Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia: The Rasch Model Measurement Analysis
Academic Adaptation, First Grade Students, Modern Islamic Boarding School, Rasch Model, School AdjustmentAbstract
Previous research has stated that poor self-adjustment in students can lead to low achievement, an increased tendency to drop out, and problematic behavior. This study aimed to validate the self-adjustment scale with the Rasch model and identify self-adjustment among new students of modern Islamic boarding schools. This study used a non-experimental quantitative research design. Data were collected from 276 new students at modern Islamic boarding schools in East Java, Indonesia. The measuring instrument in this study was a self-adjustment scale developed by the researchers. The data analysis used in this study was the Rasch model. The reliability (cronbach alpha) of the self-adjustment scale of 0.85 was excellent. The person reliability (0.83) and item reliability (0.83) were good. 4 items that did not fit were discarded, but all aspects of self-adjustment were still represented by items and ranged from the easiest to the most difficult to answer. The description indicated that the number of students who scored above average logit scores was 129 (47%). However, students’ self-adjustment was below the average logit score of 147 (53%) students. This study was expected to help new students learn more about factors that can increase self-adjustment in modern Islamic boarding schools.
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