Quality of Contact as Predictor of Attitudes Toward Person with Intellectual Disability
attitude, contact, intellectual disabilityAbstract
Contact related to attitude toward persons with intellectual disability. This study purposed to examine the predictive power of quality of contact and describe the attitudes toward persons with intellectual disability in Indonesia. Participants were 341 Indonesian people ³18 years. The participants completed questionnaires: the ATTID-SF, the Quality of Contact subtest of Contact and Knowledge about Intellectual Disability Scale, and Demography Questionnaire. The ATTID-SF measures five factors —knowledge of causes, knowledge of capacity and rights, discomfort, sensitivity or tenderness, and interaction. The participants’ overall attitudes were positive for all factors except for sensitivity or tenderness. Linear regression revealed that greater quality of contact was associated with more positive attitudes for all five factors. These findings add support to previous studies that positive experiences may lead to positive attitude. Therefore, awareness programs and campaigns should increase the quality of contact to increase the positive attitude toward persons with intellectual disability.
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