Masculinity and Help-seeking Intention in Early Adult Males: Self-stigma as Mediation



help seeking, masculinity, self-stigma


Male suicide rate is substantially larger than females. This can be explained by male tendency to not seek help professionally. In order to look into the problem, one of the reasons why males tend to not seek help is because there is an adherence to traditional masculinity ideologies and norms which contradict with what help seeking behavior entails. This adherence results in a strong self-stigma. The purpose of this study is to understand the mediation between self-stigma in the relation between masculinity and help seeking intention. Involving 131 young adult male participants from all around Indonesia. The result of this study showed that there is a full mediation in the relation between masculinity and help seeking intention. This shows that self-stigma plays an important role when exploring the relation between masculinity and help seeking intention.


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How to Cite

Vebiana, D., & Ariana, A. D. (2023). Masculinity and Help-seeking Intention in Early Adult Males: Self-stigma as Mediation. PROCEEDING SERIES OF PSYCHOLOGY, 1(2), 11-19.