Online Group-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Career Anxiety and Coping Strategy in Final Year Undergraduate Students
Career Anxiety, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Coping Strategy, Online Group TherapyAbstract
COVID-19 pandemic and transition period from college to work life makes final year students vulnerable to career anxiety. This study aims to describe the process of conducting online group-based CBT intervention during COVID-19 transition period to help final year undergraduate students reduce career anxiety and maladaptive coping strategies. CBT modules administered online in five sessions for one subject group (n = 6). Participants selected based on a high average score of Career Anxiety Scale and final year undergraduate students who have completed their final project. Mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative design) used for data sampling (pre-test, post-test, and follow-up). The results showed a significant difference of participants' career anxiety scores over time with F(2.10) = 4.694, p = 0.037. However, there was no significant difference of online group-based CBT on participants' coping strategy scores over time with F(2.10) = 1.608, p = 0.248 for adaptive coping and F(2.10) = 1.914, p = 0.198 for maladaptive coping. Qualitative evaluation showed participants were able to understand more about themselves and implement necessary strategies to reduce their career anxiety. This research suggested that online group-based CBT can reduce career anxiety for final year undergraduate students during COVID-19 transition period. However, more specific interventions are needed to target changes in adaptive & maladaptive coping strategies.
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