Role of Transformational Leadership on Readiness for Change in Academic Staff University in Facing Higher Educational Governance Changes
Academic Staff, Readiness for Change, Transformational LeadershipAbstract
Purpose: The development of technology in various aspects of life nowadays especially education forces organizations to adapt. Higher educational governance change is a policy that exists as a step to make universities more autonomous. This program will make many changes to the main tasks of academic staff, and it requires readiness for change. One of the aspects that influence individuals’ readiness for change is transformational leadership. Transformational leadership will encourage employees to make change initiatives. This study aims to determine the role of transformational leadership on readiness for change in academic staff universities facing higher educational governance change. Method: Quantitative research involving 254 academic staff participants using simple random sampling to collect the data. The data were analyzed using simple regression. Result: The results finding transformational leadership has a positive and significant correlation to readiness of academic staff to change. Conclusion: Transformational leadership takes a role in readiness for change, so it needs to be considered to prepare academic staff in facing changes.
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