The Roles of Wives With Different Education Levels and Employment Status in Household Decision-Making: Evidence From Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS)


  • Halimatus Sa'diah IAI Darussalam
  • Arni Nur Laila IAI Darussalam

Kata Kunci:

Household Decision-making, IFLS, Wife's Education Level, Women Worker


The role of women in the family is still a debate, particularly when associated with gender issues. Decisions in households are not made based on the husbands' voices only. The wives also play a determining role in them. This study aimed to look at the role wives play in decision-making in the household related to their education level and employment status. This study used data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS). IFLS data are representative data of Indonesian people represented by 13 provinces. The data included 6,369 female participants aged 20-40 who have children and live at home with their husbands. We used multiple regression analysis with dummy coded variables to describe the role of each categorical predictor on household decision-making. The results showed that both predictors were significant (R2 = 0.01, F (3.6365) = 22.51, p < 0.001). This study provides evidence that women's participation in household decision-making is positively influenced by their education level. Working women have more considerable influence in household decision-making than their homemaking counterparts.


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Cara Mengutip

Sa'diah, H., & Laila, A. N. (2024). The Roles of Wives With Different Education Levels and Employment Status in Household Decision-Making: Evidence From Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS). PROCEEDING SERIES OF PSYCHOLOGY, 2(1), 334-340.