The Correlation Between SRL and Parenting Style With Smartphone Addiction Towards Adolescent During the Pandemic
Kata Kunci:
COVID-19 Pandemic, Parenting Style, Self-Regulated Learning, Smartphone AddictionAbstrak
The COVID-19 pandemic had contributed to the accelerated use of e-learning. During the COVID-19, most schools used digital platforms to support learning instruction. Unfortunately, a higher amount of time spent on online media may be problematic because these platforms can be addictive. Online media platforms promote constant scrolling and do not have a definite “stop point,” which is why they can lead individuals to spend several hours on using these platforms. This situation could turn smartphone addiction into one of the negative impacts of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The present study investigates the factors affecting the adverse impact of prolonged e-learning use during the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically, the effects of self-regulated learning (SLR) on e-learning. This study used a systematic literature review by selecting related articles using keywords: smartphone addiction, self-regulated learning, parenting style, and COVID-19. Studies have revealed the importance of SLR in the 21st century. Parenting style affects SLR. Promoting SLR helps students avoid risky behaviors and demonstrates how parenting styles have changed.
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