Student’s Social Support for Victims of Sexual Violence


  • Ni Luh Indah Desira Swandi Udayana University
  • Nahya Qisthi Buchari Udayana University
  • Made Padma Dewi Bajirani Udayana University
  • B. Primandini Yunanda Harumi Udayana University

Kata Kunci:

Sexual Violence, Social Support, Victims


News about case of sexual violence that occur in the community is increasingly popping up in various settings even in educational institutions. Students as agents of change are expected to be able to take steps by providing adequate support or information when hearing stories from victims of sexual violence in the community. But in fact, adequate support isn’t easy to be given. This study aims to see the description of the social support that students have given to victims of sexual violence. This study is a qualitative descriptive study in which data collection was carried out by distributing an open-ended questionnaire. Research respondents are students who have heard direct stories from victims of sexual violence and were collected by purposive sampling. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. The results of this study describe the process      of social support given, namely: 1. psychological response after hearing the story that consists      of emotion and behaviour response; 2. types of social support; 3. contradiction between psychological response      and type of social support given that make indication of unsupportive social support. The results of this study can be used as a recommendation to provide interventions for students in an effort to support victims who are dealing with sexual violence in the community.


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Cara Mengutip

Swandi, N. L. I. D. ., Buchari, N. Q. ., Bajirani, M. P. D. ., & Harumi, B. P. Y. . (2024). Student’s Social Support for Victims of Sexual Violence. PROCEEDING SERIES OF PSYCHOLOGY, 2(1), 418-423.