Development of Instrument to Assess Mathematics Learning Result in 2nd Grade Elementary School
Kata Kunci:
Elementary School, Instrument, MathematicsAbstrak
This study aims to determine the quality of the 2nd grade elementary school mathematics learning result test instrument from a cognitive perspective. The study was conducted of 33 students at Cita Hati School, Surabaya. This type of research was quantitative descriptive based on reliability, discriminating power, level of difficulty and effectiveness of distractors. Data collection was carried out by online during the Covid-19 pandemic. Development of the instrument starts from curriculum analysis based on Week 3 Lesson Plan owned by SD Cita Hati. Blueprint was prepared which refers to Bloom's taxonomy theory. The validity technique used content validity by two assessment experts. The results showed that instrument is a fairly stable and reliable with = 0.561. The discriminatory power showed 13 items have very good discriminating power and 3 items have good discriminating power and 11 items have poor power. The level of difficulty in all items were easy to very easy category. The results of the analysis based on effectiveness of distractors indicated most of the questions don’t work as a good distractors, thus making the distractors work better than the answer keys.
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Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Ilena Dwika Musyafira, Aryani Tri Wrastari
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