Predictor of Mental Health Among Survivors of Sexual Violence: The Role of Religiosity Factors


  • Tiara Diah Sosialita Universitas Airlangga

Kata Kunci:

Mental Health, Religiosity, Role of Religiosity, Sexual Violence, Survivor


This study examined the role of religiosity factors in mental health, in which religiosity is expected as one of important predictor that affect mental health. Therefore, this study was expected to: 1) examined the influence of religiosity factors in improving mental health, and 2) explored one of the central issues concerning the role of religiosity in individual condition with its relationship to mental health. This study used quantitative method with survey to 47 survivors of sexual violence whom specifically experienced sexual violence by their partners in the context of intimate relationships. Collecting data was used mental health scale (GHQ-12) and religiosity scale (Religiosity Questionnaire). Data analysis used regression analysis technique to examine the relationship between religiosity and mental health. The results of this study showed that religiosity factors affected mental health state of the survivors through positive correlation between religiosity and mental health. Religiosity was positively correlated with mental health (r = 0.37; p > 0.01; BCA 95%, CI [0.47; 0.28], and religiosity was able to predict mental health improvement (t = 5.46; B = 0.27; P < 0.01; BCA 95% CI [0.23; 0.05]). Thus, implication of these findings are important to build an understanding the predictor of mental health in terms of religiosity both theoretically and practically. Moreover, it can be widely applied by therapist, counselor, health practitioner, and community to improve mental health through intervention in charged with religiosity.


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Cara Mengutip

Sosialita, T. D. (2024). Predictor of Mental Health Among Survivors of Sexual Violence: The Role of Religiosity Factors. PROCEEDING SERIES OF PSYCHOLOGY, 2(1), 381-385.