Mate Selection Preferences in Intercultural Comparison: Literature Review


  • Fawaz Akbar Ramadhan Budiman Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Zarina Akbar Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Kata Kunci:

Mate Selection Preferences, Intercultural


In early adulthood, each individual will face a new life, namely marriage. To carry out this new life, the individual will later seek life based on the characteristics used as mate selection preferences. This is done to avoid the emergence of incompatibility in marriage. Culture is one factor that supports individuals in choosing a life partner. Each tribe has different cultural characteristics so the preferences for choosing a life partner are also different. Indonesian and Chinese people have criteria in mate selection preferences. This review aims to look at mate selection preferences in intercultural. The method used was a literature review using the data obtained from Google Scholar by two keywords in Indonesian i.e. "mate selection preferences" and “intercultural". This literature review discusses the differences in mate selection preferences in each culture, each with its own characteristics. Mate selection preferences in Intercultural is inseparable from the role of culture. The role of culture will increase habits carried out by individuals in their mate selection preference. Therefore, the Indonesian and Chinese have many cultural differences, the preferences mate selection is different, depending on each individual's culture.


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Cara Mengutip

Budiman, F. A. R., & Akbar, Z. (2024). Mate Selection Preferences in Intercultural Comparison: Literature Review. PROCEEDING SERIES OF PSYCHOLOGY, 2(1), 67-71.