Self-Compassion as Coping Stress in Final Year Postgraduate Students: Literature Review
Coping Stress, Literature Review, Postgraduate Students, Self-CompassionAbstract
Starting from the background and various activities as well as the pressure to complete the thesis is the cause of stress. Stress is a very general and subjective thing. However, stress cannot be seen as a simple problem when stress cannot be overcome and can result in depression. Therefore, a stress-coping mechanism is needed. The coping stress mechanism is divided into two, namely emotional and problem. Most individuals when using emotional stress coping are still considered inappropriate. Therefore, one alternative to help the effectiveness of coping with emotional stress is to use self-compassion. This literature review analyzed various self-compassion papers that act as coping stress in postgraduate students. The results found that the concept of self-compassion is being kind to oneself when things go wrong and has been associated with positive outcomes along with the coping strategies that appear to be most beneficial. Self-compassion involves feelings of concern and kindness towards oneself in the face of personal suffering and involves acknowledging that one's suffering, failures and shortcomings are part of the human condition. 1) Expanding sharing and understanding of oneself rather than harsh criticism and self-assessment. 2) Seeing one's experience as part of a larger humanity than separating and isolating oneself. 3) Holding painful thoughts and feelings in awareness rather than over-identifying. Conclusion Self-compassion can improve stress by reducing coping that encourages negative emotional responses to stressors. Individuals who have self-compassion can assess stressors by not using negative, threatening perspectives, and involving themselves in negative evaluations of themselves.
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