The Relationship between Assertiveness and Tendency to Experience Dating Violence in Early Adulthood in Makassar City
Assertiveness, Dating Violence, Early AdulthoodAbstract
Dating violence is a problem that often occurs in early adult dating relationships. This study aims to determine the relationship between assertiveness and the tendency to experience dating violence in early adulthood in Makassar City. This research uses quantitative methods. Respondents in the study were 224 early adults who experienced violence in dating relationships in Makassar City. Data sampled using accidental sampling technique. The measurement tools used are the assertiveness scale and the dating violence scale which were compiled by the researchers themselves. The results of the hypothesis test in this study used the Spearman rho test with the result r = -0.675 with p = 0.000. These results indicate that there was a significant negative relationship between assertiveness and the tendency to experience dating violence in early adulthood in Makassar City. The implication of this research was to become a source of reference information in making psychoeducation to prevent violence in early adulthood who are dating.
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