Career Decision Making in Cross-Cultural Analysis: A Review
Bicultural, Career Decision Making, Cross-culture, Literature ReviewAbstract
Career decisions made by young adults have significant implications for their personal and occupational satisfaction. Career decision-making factors can be influenced by cultural values. Culture can be a source of conflict if it goes against individual wishes, and this is very likely to happen to individuals with two cultures. The purpose of this study are to identify and explain the cultural factors that influence youths' career decision-making in a bicultural setting. This study conducted a literature review, reviewing 9 articles published between 2005 - 2022. The articles were related to career decision-making and searched by Google Scholar, ERIC, and EBSCO databases. The results of the review find that there is a process of acculturation between the two cultures. Family and filial piety as interpersonal factors are the biggest influencing factors in career decision-making in a bicultural setting. Then, there are intrinsic factors such as self-confidence, self-efficacy, and motivation. The extrinsic factors that appear are social recognition and a sense of security. Career decision-making in bicultural culture is more interpersonally influenced, but acculturation to the host country influences them to be more intrinsically motivated and only somewhat externally motivated.
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