Description of The Priest's Wife’s Stress in Accompanying Husband's Service
Literature Review, Stress, Role of StressAbstract
This article is a literature study that aims to provide an overview of the stress experienced by the Pastor's wife in accompanying her husband's ministry. Being a pastor's wife is not easy. The wife received many demands and highlights while accompanying her husband in carrying out his duties. The pastor's wife has a special role because she is a helper for her husband in serving God. Not only helping in the household but also helping husbands in ministry. The Pastor's wife is expected to be able to carry out two roles at once, namely the internal role as a wife and mother, namely taking care of the household, educating children, managing family finances, planning family needs, and external roles in the congregation, such as having to play an active role in ministry and provide a good response. to the church and be an example and role model for the church. A search for articles on Google Scholar published between 2015 – 2022 using the keyword “pastor's wife stress”, obtained 319 titles but only 7 articles matched. The findings show that the demands on the Pastor's wife cause stress due to the many roles she has to perform in her daily life.
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