Factors that Can Increase Self-Adjustment to Students during Covid-19: A Systematic Literature Review
COVID-19, Self-Adjustment, StudentAbstract
The changes that occurred during the COVID-19 outbreak situation, make students should have good self-adjustment. If students can adapt well, then psychological problems such as stress, anxiety and depression can be reduced. Along with the possibility of similar outbreaks such as covid-19 in the future, knowing the factors that can affect student adjustments during a pandemic are important. So that in the future students can adapt well if the situation changes. Thus, the authors conducted this study with the aim of knowing the factors that can improve student adjustment in situations of the covid-19 disease outbreak. The online data base method used as the source, namely ScienceDirect, Scopus, SAGE, N=2 articles was completed through a screening process by setting criteria according to research questions. The results show that the factors of hope, mindfulness, sense of coherence and self-compassion (mindfulness, self-kindness, and common humanity) have an influence in improving student adjustment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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