Emotional Intelligence, Social Support, and Anxiety Among Victims of Cyberbullying: A Literature Study
Adolescent, Anxiety, Cyberbullying, Emotional IntelligenceAbstract
Inevitably, the Internet has become widely used in modern life. The Internet has two sides: positive and negative. Among these negative effects, cyberbullying is one. The victim of cyberbullying can be anyone, but adolescents are the most vulnerable to it. Various studies have indicated that teenagers who are victims of cyberbullying may experience multiple psychological effects, among which excessive anxiety is one of them. This article explores the relationship between emotional intelligence and social support for anxiety in adolescents who are cyberbullying victims. The method used in this study was a literature review. The literature was searched throught online platforms, using the keywords: cyberbullying, social support, anxiety, and emotional intelligence. The results revealed that anxiety among adolescent victims of cyberbullying can be suppressed or avoided through the presence of emotional intelligence and social support. These findings imply that family and school environments play an important role in the development of emotional intelligence and that peer support is essential for victims of cyberbullying. The results of this study highlight the importance of emotional intelligence and social support from the environment. These can be the basis of any interventions, both at school and at home, concerning character building among adolescents.
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