Group Interventions With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach to Overcome Career Anxiety in Individual With Bachelor Graduates in 2022
Carrer Anxiety, CBT, Group Therapy, Perceived StressAbstract
The pandemic increased the career anxiety of final-year students who are prospective workers. This study examined the alteration of career anxiety levels by providing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to final-year students waiting for graduation and looking for work. This study used a mixed method design. Within-subjects design with one group of subjects given intervention without a control group. Initially, 11 final-year undergraduate students participated; however, only 5 participants remained. CBT interventions were delivered in five online sessions, accompanied by individual follow-up sessions two weeks later. Participants were measured three times before, after the intervention, and follow-up. The measurements are Career Anxiety Scale (CAS) and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Friedman ANOVA was conducted to analyze the score change of each measurement and qualitative evaluation based on the results of observations and interviews. The results showed a significant difference in career anxiety scores (X2 = 6.706, p-value = 0.035), although there was no significant difference in the perceived stress scores (X2 = 0.40, p-value = 0.819). The qualitative evaluation showed a change in mindset towards career anxiety before and after the intervention. This research suggested that online group CBT can lower career anxiety in final-year undergraduate students.
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