Reflection on The End of The Covid-19 Pandemic: The Role of Social-Emotional and Character Development on Students’ Academic Grit
Academic Grit, Character Development, Social-EmotionalAbstract
This study aims to explain socio-emotional development and identify factors influencing students' academic grit towards the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using multiple linear regression analysis, the research involved 232 high school students who had resumed face-to-face learning. Data was collected online in the school’s computer lab using the Social-Emotional and Character Development Scale (SECDS, α = 0.880) and the Academic Grit Scale (AGS, α = 0.861). Results showed that socio-emotional and character development collectively impact academic grit. Hypothesis testing indicated that prosocial behavior, self-control, and respect at home did not significantly affect academic grit. However, factors such as honesty, self-development, and respect at school were significant contributors. These findings highlight the importance of socio-emotional traits in fostering academic perseverance as students transition back to normal schooling. Applying the SECD concept in academic settings may help reduce risky behavior in middle school students. Early identification of academic grit levels is crucial for promoting resilience and academic success. This research provides new insights into how socio-emotional development and character traits can support students' academic grit during challenging periods.
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