Meta Analysis on Perceived Social Support and Internet Addiction
Internet Addiction, Meta Analysis, Perceived Social SupportAbstract
The increasing use of the internet in everyday life as a consequence of the development of information technology was unavoidable. One of the consequences of the increase in internet use was the emergence of excessive internet use or what was known as internet addiction. This study wanted to see the correlation between internet addiction and perceived social support by testing the product moment correlation results from 11 journals that examine related topics with a total sample of 16,513 respondents. Statistical test showed a medium effect size correlation of r = -0.301 (95% CI between -0.392 - -0.211) thus indicating that perceived social support is not a strong predictor (medium effect size) of internet addiction. There was publication bias that can be seen from the Eiger's Publication Bias value of p = 0.033. The implication of this research was about the necessity to conduct research involving other factors that may establish internet addiction. This was due to perceived social support was not yet a strong predictor of internet addiction, so it was necessary to investigate whether there were other factors, both external and internal to individuals, that could be strong predictors for the formation of internet addiction behavior.
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