Adoption of Online Social Support Scale in Indonesian Text-Based Online Counseling Context


  • Ernestine Oktaviana Yuniswara Universitas Airlangga
  • Rahkman Ardi Universitas Airlangga


Online Social Support Scale, Online Text-based Counselling, Peer Counselling


Social support can be received online through text-based online counseling (TBOC) provided by trained yet non-professional volunteers. The growing popularity of peer TBOC in Indonesia raises question whether the service really provides social support. Adopting Online Social Support Scale (OSSS) in Indonesian Text-Based Online Counselling context could bridge this question through proper measurements. OSSS was translated into Bahasa Indonesia, then adopted by adjusting the wordings to fit the context of peer TBOC. Content validity of the adopted scale is assured through Content Validity Index, scored by four licensed psychologists who offers text-based psychological services. Criterion validity and scale reliability were assured by distributing the scale through convenient sampling targeting participants who have used peer TBOC services. The adopted version of OSSS showed good validity and reliability, and therefore can be used to measure the degree of online social support received through peer TBOC services.


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How to Cite

Yuniswara, E. O. ., & Ardi, R. . (2024). Adoption of Online Social Support Scale in Indonesian Text-Based Online Counseling Context. PROCEEDING SERIES OF PSYCHOLOGY, 2(1), 471-475.