Construction and Psychometric Properties Identification of Brand Image
Brand Image, Construction, Psychometric, ScaleAbstract
The Purpose of research is to construct of measurement that can provide a description of something that needs to be done actually. Likewise, to measure whether a product had been able to market with the right strategy. The other words, this research to construct a scale of brand image with psychometric properties identification. The research method uses a quantitative approach, with three stages of research that can be done. First, The basic concepts theoretically. Second, Research instruments and data collection. Third, test validation. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling, with 689 respondents. Construction of brand image using an ordinal scale from Likert. The results found a brand image scale that was applied directly to measure the brand image of a product that had adequate validity and reliability so that it could be used to measure the level of the brand image of a product. The findings of this study are the brand image scale which has implications that can be used as a measure of brand image for all products. Besides that, to improve the marketing of these products and read opportunities to improve marketing in the future.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Netty Herawati, Rahmi Kusuma Dewi, Risma Mahesti, Uswatun Hasanah, Nailur Rohmah

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