Growth mindset and Grit: Examining the Academic Buoyancy of Student Who Doing Online Learning
Academic Buoyancy, Growth Mindset, Online LearningAbstract
In this study, researchers want to see the effect of growth mindset and grit on academic buoyancy in students who face online lectures. This study involved 140 first-year college students when this research was conducted (class of 2021). The sampling technique used is the purposive sampling technique. This study uses three scales as a measuring tool, namely the academic buoyancy scale which refers to dimensions of Martin and Marsh, growth mindset scale from Dweck’s dimension and grit scale which refers to aspect of Duckworth et al.. The results of hypothesis testing using multiple regression analysis show that there is a role for growth mindset and grit on academic buoyancy for students who facing online lectures. Then, it is known that the role of growth mindset and grit together on academic buoyancy is 22.2% (R2 = 0.222).
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